About Us
Our Mission
The Department of Elementary Education prepares skilled, transformative educators to teach and become leaders in culturally and linguistically diverse schools. We guide and support educators to develop a pedagogy of caring and cultural responsiveness, and to teach for social justice and equity for children and their families. Our Multiple Subject Credential and Master of Arts programs provide current educational theories, innovative teaching practices, and guided field experiences in diverse schools. The curriculum in the MSC and MA graduate programs reflect current Teaching Performance Expectations (TPEs), State Standards, and Common Core Standards. The department’s Multiple Subject Credential, including the Bilingual Authorization Programs, certify candidates with their Preliminary Credential to teach in California schools. Our MA programs prepare educational leaders to transform learning environments to support all students’ success academically and socially.
Get to know the individuals in the Department of Elementary Education.

Our Faculty and Staff

Emeritus Faculty
Dr. Josephine Arce: jarce@sfsu.edu
Dr. Laureen Chew: laureenenator@gmail.com
Dr. Marguerite Conrad: mconrad4@sfsu.edu
Dr. Debra Luna: dluna@sfsu.edu
Dr. Carol Langbort: clangbo@sfsu.edu
Dr. Isabel Quita: quita@sfsu.edu
Dr. Cecelia Wambach: drwams@sfsu.edu